Answer a few questions and we will report back on how much Viakoo can save you on physical security maintenance!
Maintaining and securing physical security systems is critical to protecting the enterprise, its assets, and its employees. Viakoo Service Assurance Manager (SAM) provides 24/7/365 visibility into every device on the network, ensuring that all systems are performing as expected. And when things go wrong, we tell you how to fix them – automatically. With SAM, you can be confident that your physical security systems are always secure and running smoothly. You rely on physical security; Viakoo makes physical security reliable.
Not only does Viakoo save you lots of money, we enhance your organization’s performance:
- Eliminate Missing Video Evidence: Never be embarrassed by missing video
- Ensure Retention Compliance: Ensure all video streams achieve their storage goals
- Automate Camera Firmware Updates: Push-button deployment of new firmware across all your devices
- Quickly Resolve Access Control Issues: Viakoo supports all parts of your physical security environment, including access control and IoT devices.